Well, a medium has the ability to not only pick up on your energy and what's going on with you but they can also actively communicate with spirits from the otherside! Whether that's your loved ones who have crossed over or your guides or angels! It is said that all mediums are psychic, but not all psychics are mediums. I do believe that. Mediums and psychics use the same psychic senses, often referred to as the "CLAIRS" to receive information. Clairvoyance is clear seeing, Clair-audience is clear hearing, Clair-sentience is clear feeling. Clair-cognizance is clear knowing. Those are the four main clairs. There are two more as well, Clair-alience which is clear smelling. Clair-gustance which is clear tasting. Those senses are how spirits communicate. If you are a psychic, you can read a persons energy. We can see what has happened in the past, what is currently happening in the now and what is to come or the future, if everything remains just as it is at the time of the reading. That statement right there, the sentence before this one....is the key to future readings. The psychic or medium can only tell you what they see at that given moment. So that means....you DO NOT try to change course or go in a even slightly different direction. Everything remains the same. If you don't like the info you are given, YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE IT! Our thoughts, and the actions we take on them, are always creating our reality. If you are on a course that you are not happy with, CHANGE IT! You have the power to do that! OK, PHEW, we got that out of the way! A much better question to ask than, "What do you see in my future?" is, "What actions can I take to positively impact my future." That is a question that will be full of useful information!
I am a medium and psychic. So, as a medium I can talk to to your loved ones who have crossed over but also your angels and guides. This is a really wonderful ability. So, if you are stuck and not knowing where to turn, sure you can ask grandma Jo where you should head but an even better source would be talking to your guides and angels. They are with you day in and day out and have promised to help you fulfill your mission here to the best of your ability. They will love and support you no matter what, just as your loved ones will, but they are privy to "your plan." Before we chose to incarnate here, we sit down with all the people we are incarnating with and everyone decides what they need to do or work on and we all agree to help each other with whatever that is. The real pisser.....when we get here, we develop amnesia! We forget and have to figure it out....we think on on our own, but that's where so many of us get it wrong! Our guides and angels are always there, waiting to help us out. We just have to ask and believe it will happen. So, if you come and speak with me, I can talk to guides and angels and we will get some guidance that way as well as to talk to your loved ones.
Everyone has psychic abilities to some extent. We are all born with our intuition and we all have gotten glimpses of things before they happen. That is psychic information and you can choose to hone that skill. Now, for some people, they are also able to connect to the otherside, like me! That's why I am a medium and psychic. All the connection is done in the mind but in different areas of the mind than we use for our normal, everyday life! I do have a strong connection to the otherside. I am able to talk to your loved ones as well as your guides and angels. I can do this with no tools or we can also use oracle or tarot cards. The cards for me are so much fun to use. I can use them as a focal point for receiving info from the otherside or there are times when I use them as more of relaxation tool for you. Sometimes a person may want a reading but be totally closed off to me. Not purposely, but they may have had a bad experience or be really, really nervous. The cards can help with that. The cards that are chosen tell me a story.....I can start to relate the story just from what I see in the cards and then the person will begin to let their walls down. I can then see within their personal energy and then the info from loved ones, guides and angels starts to flow!
A reading should be fun. It should leave you feeling like you want more. You should never walk away feeling like you have just been handed awful news or a death sentence for yourself or someone you love. I have asked to only be given information that will be for a persons highest and best good. I don't believe we all have an exact expiration date. What I have learned from spirit is that we all set goals for ourselves lessons we want to experience and so forth, once those things are done, then we go back home. Don't dwell on when the end is for you or anyone else. Reason being....it's not an end, its only a transition to the place we all come from initially. We see everyone again, and we also take all of our information from this lifetime with us.....when we get back to the otherside we also get all the info from all of our past lifetimes. Its all there. We don't lose anything. So if a psychic starts telling you they know when you're gonna die or when a loved one is gonna pass......walk away, ask for your money back and leave. Readings should always be loving and fun. The info coming through should be coming from a place of love, if not, the message is not from spirit. Spirit only gives messages in love.
Hope this answers some questions about what is the difference between a psychic and medium.
Sandra dawn is a medium, psychic and Reiki practitioner. If you would like a reading please visit her website www.mediumsandradawn.com
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