Tuesday, February 10, 2015


                                  We are Never Alone



I was reminded of something today. WE ARE NEVER ALONE.
That may seem impossible but I assure you , it's not. Spirit in all forms be it crossed loved ones, angels, guides and the like.........they are with us always. On the Otherside we can be many places at once. I know this may be hard for some of you to wrap your minds around, but it's true! I think it sounds kinda cool. You can be more than one, two, even three places at once! You could get into some serious trouble, if we could do that in the here and now! The whole reason for this blog entry is to say that if you feel like you are alone and struggling.......you are NOT! You always have your "team" around you. All you have to do is go within, either by meditation or prayer, (prayer works great as well!) and let them know what you are feeling. ALONE, FRUSTRATED, MAD, SAD......whatever it may be. Let it out and let your "ever present team" know how you feel. Once you do you will be surprised at how you start noticing, (almost instantly, by the way!) that things are turning around and you are not the lone ship weathering the storm! Love is so very important in everything we do, and those that are on the Otherside know that! They never stop loving us or forget about us! You may not be able to see them, or hear them, but they are there. ALWAYS! Now, go out there and have a great day! You have your own personal cheering section!