Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Meditation...what is it good for??? Absolutely EVERYTHING!!!!

Meditate as defined by Merriam Webster dictionary: med·i·tate
  1. think deeply or focus one's mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation.
    • think deeply or carefully about (something).

    Now, that's what the dictionary says. Meditation is also the key to unlocking your spiritual gifts. It trains your brain to be calm, silent and still. That's the goal! Some people look at it as a time when they decompress from the day.

  2.  There are many ways to meditate. A lot of people use it as a time to get away, maybe you like to walk, or ride a bike. Maybe you zone out on the bus on the way home from work or school. Those are all a form of meditation...you are in the zone that,'no mans land'...lots of people call it day dreaming.

  3.  That time when your brain is...well, not busy spinning over and over what just went on during the last 5 hours! That's the "happy place." That's the place we all strive to reach....but it's one of those things that when you sit down with the intent to do "it" you may not be able to quite get there! Why? The thoughts creep in. All of our "daily stuff" decides to pop up and remind you, right then, that it is still not done! It is down right maddening! Other times......you may be doing great and then 'BAM-O' you're snoring, and rather loudly in fact! Don't worry about it! It's all trial and error.

  4.  You will try certain things and some will work and some will not. No harm done! If you have thoughts floating in, tell them..."not now, I will take care of you later!" and then see the thought bubble they are in, POP! Then go back and focus on your breath. That conscious effort of stopping yourself from attaching to the thought, that right there, well that's...AMAZING! Way to go! Just keep doing it! You can recite a mantra of a single word or a phrase, either aloud or silently. You can also chant, you can visualize a scene, that is my personal favorite. It keeps my mind busy with mundane details and then just lets the meditation happen naturally. You may enjoy music while meditating, or you may like silence. It's totally a personal thing. Do what feels right, and by all means....make whatever you do your OWN! Put your own personal stamp on it! Know that whatever happens is what was supposed to happen and go with it!  TRUST is the important thing. You may have the feeling you are making it up, you are not. This is natural and how it's supposed to happen. You will greatly enhance your experience if you BELIEVE! Practice is another important part. It helps you to make this wonderful new tool part of your everyday arsenal of personal development! It's also the best way to reap the benefits...a few of which can include, but is not limited to, only what is mentioned here: better sleep, better digestion, less stress, lower blood pressure....the list goes on and on. There are no detractors from meditation...it is something that you do for you, because you are worth it!

  5.  I meditate whenever I can....usually for no more than 10 mins at a time! You know what?! 10 minutes is a great time limit for ME, right now at this present time!  Next month it may be different. If you go with the flow and do what feels natural, there's no worry of ever doing it wrong!!! You don't have to devote hours to meditation and sitting in lotus position! Do it however it is comfortable for you. You have to be comfortable to enjoy it. Another way for many to start out is via this route...I use this method with moms. Moms are busy and meditation is a great tool for them  just as it is for everyone. When you get that luxurious potty break, by yourself....meditate! It only takes a few minutes! Just focus on your breath, breathe in through the nose...good, calm, peaceful white light...hold for a few seconds, and then breathe out the old, stale, stagnant air through your mouth! That's it, that's really all there is to it! As you get this down and start to feel relaxed, things will begin to happen naturally. You may see, hear or feel things....it's all good! That's how it's supposed to happen! 

  6. Another note here, this is great to start with your little ones. It's something that can be enjoyable for them as well. They will learn much easier and quicker than most of us "older folk!" Then it becomes a "Mommy and Me' activity!

  7. I am an intuitive,medium and Reiki practitioner. I do offer a variety of services on my website. Thank you for checking it out!  http://mediumsandradawn.wix.com/avoiceforspirit

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