Saturday, May 28, 2016

Rainbows! A double Rainbow to be exact!

Something beautiful happened tonight! We were on our way home and it was storming pretty good. We pulled down the street to our house and there is a beautiful rainbow! But was not one was a double rainbow! It was beautiful. The really wild thing about it, we saw the whole thing! I was in the car with my husband and youngest son. It was amazing! I have never seen the whole rainbow.....both ends and the middle! of BOTH rainbows! It was beautiful! At that moment. I realize how beautiful nature is. I was grateful for what I had just seen! Then it got me thinking.....what does this mean? Is there a message in this? Of course, there always is!

      I am looking at my life and realizing I am in a place I could have only dreamed about a few years ago. I have two wonderful boys that always keep me guessing. They are getting older and are ready to begin doing their own things. My oldest is 18 and my youngest is 15. They are good kids and are really something I am proud to say I helped to create! The fact remains though, they are starting to need me less and less. I guess they are really just starting to need me in different ways. That's fine. I will bend and adjust. There is one transformation in my life right now.

  I am also going through my own transformation. I am starting to be more and more busy with my own work. I have worked for years taking care of everyone, in the "motherly" kind of way. That is changing. I am now becoming much more visible to the world as a psychic, medium and spiritual teacher. I am beginning this part of my life. I am now ready to be known. That is the change. I am still and will always be a student of spirit but I am ready to share what I have I learned thus far! I am ready to pass on the wonderful things I have been privy to learn! We are all privy to this information! It is not to be kept secret any longer! This is what seeing the double rainbow made me see today. My life is changing in all aspects. I am ready. I know I am not the only one going through these changes. We are all changing. All we have to do is accept it, with our whole being and integrate it.

    It's a beautiful night as I type this post. It has been storming but the rain has stopped, the clouds have parted and the stars are beautifully shining in the night sky. Add your star to the sky. There is plenty of room. I am pinning mine up there tonight! Come on this ride with me and we will have a helluva time! Accept yourself for who and what you are and know beyond all doubt that we are all one at our core. Open your heart to the new paradigm and accept things as they come. Be the love you want to see in the world. I know that's what I am doing! 

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