Monday, December 29, 2014

Happy New Year!!!

Well, it's been a while since I posted!

I got busy with life, like we all do! I had a very nice and blessed Holiday Season! Hope yours was as well. As we are going head first into the new year may I suggest that we really look over this past year and say to ourselves, "What did I learn?" Sometimes it may be hard to actually pin down and then there are times it jumps out at you like a naked baby photo!!! I know for me personally, I can say that I have learned some valuable lessons. One of those lessons is, that true friends are hard to come by. I have also learned that when you do find those friends you just know....... cause they feel like an extension of you! Those friends can be tangible, in person or they can be phone or online friendships. Some of my best friends I have never met or physically talked to! There are too many other lessons to list, but that was a biggie for me!
       We all go into the New Year with a laundry list of "resolutions." Only to break them less than a month(if we are lucky!) later. This year I ask you to honestly and openly make your resolutions not based on looks or money, but on what you need to make yourself truly healthy and happy. You might be surprised that it's not as hard as thought it would be! By simply giving your attention to only those things that you want....your whole world can change!! Don't waste another second of your life in the, "I wish I coulda, woulda, shoulda" stage. Chalk up your past "lessons" to not really knowing what you wanted or needed to be truly healthy & happy. I always say, "There are no mistakes, only lessons!" I believe it with every ounce of my being too!  This year is going to be your best year yet! I know that! So should you! Now let your light shine and be happy!!! You may be wondering, "what if I don't always feel like being happy?" Ask yourself, why you feel that way? Then give yourself permission to feel mad, grumpy, upset or sad!  You have to be ok and love yourself no matter what you are feeling! Those feelings have merit, so own them and then release them!  So, if you feel like being a big, ole, mean, grouch........that's ok! Really, it is......we are human and being human is's damn hard! WE are entitled to be mad, upset, sad and grumpy sometimes! For the most part though, I'm sure you will have focused on the positive things in your life, of which.....there will be too many to list!   So that sour mood won't last long and you will be able to move forward with a better, more positive perspective!  My New Year's resolution is to be a better, healthier, happier me! In all aspects of my life! I know I can I do it! I challenge you to do it too!

Friday, October 17, 2014

WOW...What the heck happened!

So, I was meditating yesterday.......I didn't feel well at all. Headache and allergies flaring up! So I'm in the recliner in my living room and start to meditate. I am met by my guides sitting around a table and advising me that I need to relax and all will make itself known to me.......then, I start to fall asleep! That has been a real problem of mine lately.....getting into meditation and I fall asleep. Well, I feel someone grab my foot. I am the only one home. Just me and my cats, who are luckily sleeping elsewhere in the house! So I ask, for it to happen again. It did but not as strong. I think it actually may irritate my guides a bit that I still always ask for proof! I believe they are there, but sometimes, it still takes me by surprise! It still didn't keep me from falling asleep though! 

No reason to get all upset with yourself when you fall asleep while trying to meditate. Apparently you need the rest! I often feel like I leave my guides and angels hanging because lately I have felt like I fall asleep......A LOT! They never get upset or even mention it. They know what we go through on a daily basis. They also know that we need our sleep! 

Something I have started doing is asking(in a prayer) that they give me the answers to what I need to do or get done the next day, or even later that day. I know I have been falling asleep during meditation, so I just say a little prayer before I get settled down to go into meditation. I have tried sitting up, in a kitchen chair, sitting in the living room, leaving the lights on......everything I can think of to not fall no avail! Even if I am able to jolt myself awake....I cant get back to the right mind space! 

So, don't worry about it! Fall asleep if you need it. Like I said, I started to pray before....JUST IN CASE, I fall asleep! I am learning to roll with things and sometimes....that thing is SLEEP!!! We are humans and we need it. That's it. No reason to get all bent out of shape over it! Lord knows, I have spent enough time bent out shape about numerous doesn't help a thing! Going with the flow is much easier!!! Just wish it wouldn't have taken me 40 years to learn that!

Sunday, October 5, 2014


*****HAPPY FALL***************HAPPY FALL***********HAPPY FALL*****

I love the fall! I think it may be my favorite season. Although, I really like them all! This is a great time for cleaning out the old to usher in the new! Let go of those things holding you back! You are more than "what ails you!"

I have been going through this myself. Sometimes, it's hard! Stuff kinda smacks you in the face and you think, "where the heck did that come from??" If you take a good, hard look at the situation that has come to your attention, you will know why you are looking at it , again! We all have to realize what our role in the situation was, so we can say to ourselves, "OK, I am done with this. I release this and ask that everyone involved be shown unconditional love of self. I also ask that the next time a similar situation comes up, we all will react differently." Then simply, let it go. A good friend of mine says to put these things in a bubble filled with love and light and let it go. I love this analogy. She is also the one that tells me to put a bubble over the people you are having "issues" with. Why? It makes them look at what they are sending out to the universe,  whether willingly or sub-consciously. It works wonders. It is not harmful to you, or them and it helps to protect you from the negativity that may be coming your way. They will be forced to look at what they are trying to send out and hopefully will make a change. From what I have witnessed, this works superbly! We really need to be conscious of our thoughts.....thoughts are energy and what you put out, you will get back.

I hope this post finds all of you doing well and living your own personal truth the way you want to live it!  Live for today, not tomorrow or yesterday. The only thing we have an illusion of control over is the NOW! Take hold of that with both hands and have a blast!!! You can do it, I know you can! Let go of things that no longer serve you. You will feel a weight being lifted, if you do!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Why does it have to be so hard????

I have been confronted with some nasty stuff lately! I thought things were going one way and then BAM!!!!!!! Change of plans! Oh well, you have to learn to roll with the punches. That happens to be one thing I don't do too well! I like to have control over things. Know where I am headed and what it is going to be like when I get there! That is one of many of my character traits I am having to learn to leave behind! It is not easy to learn!

I have also been looking for a place to fit in. For no other reason, than to know others like me. I thought it would make my life more full or easier somehow. I know now, I already have that place........ I have a family that loves me and friends who accept me. So why look elsewhere? Human nature, I guess. We always think it's better for other people or the "grass is always greener on the other side!" I was willing to overlook things about these people who were vaguely like me. Things that should have made me say, "hey, wait a minute here! I thought we were friends! Why must you always try to one up me or correct me? Real friends don't do that!" Real friends also don't  have to have the same kind of job, the same kind of family, the same taste in music, cars, food, art etc!  See where I'm going with this? If we are living our truth we will attract the right kind of friends! We have to be able to be our true selves and find our own power.  That does not make us bullies, or mean or rude. It makes us who we want to be. Who we want the world to see. We need to try to build each other where each person wants to be. Not to where we think they should be. We can offer help to our friends or family in the form of encouragement...but,it is really them that has to do the hard work.

This road to being a medium is not an easy one. It is full of a bunch of self work, that I had no clue about when I started down this path. I thought, I would learn to make a reading flow and I was set! BOY, was I wrong! When you do the self work....the work of bringing up those parts of yourself that you'd rather not have to look at....that's when healing starts to happen and you start to hear, see, and feel spirit easier and more fully.  This journey is different for everyone. This self work and getting real with yourself, can be done by anyone who wishes to know who they are at their soul level and why certain things happen again and again in their lives.  It's not a secret ritual for only those looking to go down the path of becoming a medium!.....Everyone is different and nobody can tell you when or how to do it or when you are "done." But that's the other big part of this, really never are "done." Why, you ask? Well, because you are just a big, beautiful jumble of flaws stitched together with the best of intentions!  There is always another layer to uncover, more things to learn to love about yourself. Sure people will try to skip this part. This is the hard stuff, but I guarantee if you are willing to do the work, you will feel good about where you are in this moment in time. After all, this moment, the present, is the only place we should be living in anyway. The past is over and the future is yet to be written. Live in the now! It sounds so cliched, but it couldn't be anymore true!

Friday, August 29, 2014


Yeah, I did think I was crazy. There was so much always going on in my head. I always heard things....always. I would go to the store and walk by people and hear random things, and not from the people themselves! I naturally thought, "I am doing this, but why am I doing this?" I had no clue. I could not understand it.....if I did not make eye contact with people I was ok, USUALLY. It was when I made eye contact that I "heard"things. Crazy about a boat or a squirrel in the yard, the man standing next the person, just really weird random things. I pretty much tried to stay in my house. I also would get so sad, unhappy, depressed you name it, I could be any one them, when I was out amongst people. I could get very happy too, for no reason. Have not a care in the world, but that didn't happen often. Why did I feel this way, anytime I went out, after talking on the phone, after interacting on the computer with people.....why, I did not understand. I would soon have a little inkling as to why, but the whole reason would make itself know in the very near future.


I had an experience, that was the first time I recognized that I heard something loud and clear that others didn't. My family and I were in the car. It was summer time, hot and humid and the air conditioner was running in the car. We happened to be driving in a "not so great "area of town so we could see one of the wrecked train locomotives that someone at my husbands company had damaged. We start down the alley way and we look at the wreckage of the locomotive. We continued on down the alley to get back out to the street. As we are half way into the alley I heard "Hey, hey, hey!"  The voice was breathy, young and female. It sounded as if she had been running and just caught me as we were driving by. Now, I saw no one at all. The alley was empty. I turned and looked at my husband who was driving and he was starring straight ahead. I then looked back at my kids sitting in the back seat looking out their windows. The radio was off and the air was blowing out at about half power, so not terribly loud. I ask "Did you guys hear that?" The response that came next did shock me. A big, emphatic "NO. What are you talking about?" From not one, but all three other people in the car. How could they not hear that? It was so loud. Someone definitely wanted our attention. So I had my husband drive back by the spot where apparently, only I had heard it! How could I have been the only one? As we drove by again, nothing. Silence. What in the world just happened? 


Then that night I was getting the repeated image of a young girl, about 15yrs. old. I was frantic.....I thought, "Who is she? Where is she?" I thought maybe she was a runaway, or worse yet, kidnapped. I never found her picture among the missing children. As I sit here and type this now, I can see her and she is jumping rope and is very happy. She just smiled and waves and runs off with the other children she is playing with. She was another catalyst to my development. Even bigger than the apparition I saw in my kitchen a couple of years before this. She drove me to start the quest to figure out why in the world I saw her and heard her and no one else did. Now, I would give up multiple times and just go back to thinking I was crazy. Eventually though, I quit giving up and throwing in the towel. I read every book I could on being psychic and being a medium. I learned who I was and started to figure out what I could do.  That being said, it didn't mean I would still not think I was crazy every once in awhile! I knew that there was a reason for me to be here. A reason that I was different. I was going to be able to help spirit deliver loving, healing messages to their loved ones.  There is so much more to who I am and how I came to be where I am, but I will save that for another entry.  


Thursday, August 21, 2014

Let me introduce myself and my crazy life!

Hello, and welcome to my blog! I am happy you stopped by. Let me introduce myself. I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter and a psychic medium. Yes, I said it.....a psychic medium. Those are not words I ever thought I would use to describe a part of me! Things in our family have changed over the years. I used to be a normal, yet unhappy and often confused person. Since finally accepting what I am, I have changed. I am a much happier and "in tune" wife and mother! Now, at our house the fun but often loaded question asked by me is, "You wanna hear something weird?"  On that is a little bit of the weirdness that got me going in the "Big, Crazy and Wonderful World of Spirit!"

 I have known I was different for most of my life. I always thought I had an overactive imagination. For as long as I can remember I have been able to look at pictures of people, places and things....that I knew nothing about......and have a whole story fill my head. I really thought I was making things up and my imagination was always in overdrive! I learned to eventually, just block all that stuff out. It's not always so acceptable to start filling in a back story for some of that kind of stuff! My first real "experience" was when I was 6 or 7 yrs old. I would see an Indian at the end of my bed. A full size Indian with a big headdress and what I called "neon lights" around him. It wasn't till a few years ago that I figured out those weren't neon lights, that was his aura! He scared the ever loving CRAP out of me every night, for as long as I can remember. It was always the same routine....he shows up, I pull the covers over my head and prayed he would go away! He did, but he came back nightly for quite sometime.I did tell Mom and Dad about him, but none of us really knew what or who he was.  Eventually, he quit showing up and I grew up. Always just knowing things. Most times not even realizing that when something happened.....I already knew how it was going to turn out. Small little mundane things, not big important stuff. I never really put it together.

 Fast forward about 20 years and I'm married with two kids. My husband is working an awful job, gone all the time and here I was with two young boys. Even though that was a horrible job and hard on all of us, I am thankful for it. If it hadn't been for all of my "alone time," I would not have opened up to the "Big, Crazy and Wonderful World of Spirit," as I like to call it!

It seemed to me that things were always happening around my house. So when it was going on it didn't seem weird because these types of things had happened everywhere I had ever lived. Strange noises, seeing things move out of the corner of my eye, shadows, hearing music, or my name at very odd times, phantom smells etc.

 I could sit in the chair in my living room and look into my kitchen and see constant movement of shadows. One would logically think that it is from cars or things going on outside, but it wasn't. Nine times out of ten, if there were shadows dancing around in my kitchen, nothing was going on outside. Our kitchen is the eat-in type. All the cabinets, appliances and sink are on one end....with no windows. Then dining room portion is on the other end and there is a sliding glass door to our deck and backyard. The sliding glass door has blinds on it and a film to cut down on the glare of sunlight in the afternoon.

  One night, I was walking into my kitchen from my living room. The only light was coming from my lamp and the television in the living room area.  It was about 11pm and both boys had been fast asleep for a couple of hours. As I rounded the corner to the kitchen and stepped through the doorway........there it was.....a figure, standing between my kitchen table and the refrigerator! I had my hand on the light switch but I was frozen and paralyzed in fear! This looked like a man in a gray hooded jacket and the black pants. He just stood there....never said a word. It felt like I was standing there looking at him for a lifetime, but it was only mere seconds. My hand jerked, and on came the light. The figure was gone. Vanished into thin air! I swore I had just seen someone in my kitchen and now he was gone. I was terrified, but what do I do.......flip the light back off to see if it comes back! What in the world was I thinking! I was certain it was a solid person because that's what it looked like.....I mean, it was at least 6ft tall, solid and built like a man! I flipped the light on and then back off again......he was nowhere. This was not my imagination, of that I was certain. The really strange thing about this........I saw no face. No features at all!  I called my parents. For me, these weird occurrences were kind of common place.  So really not a wacky thing for me to call my parents and tell them about! My Dad asks, "Did you check all the doors and make sure they are locked?" Then the next question was, "Do you want me to come down there?" Of course I did, but I said, "No, I'm fine." Then, I walked through the house while on the phone, and check every nook and cranny of my very small, just over a 1000 sq. ft. house! Opening closet doors, pulling back my shower curtain, looking behind bedroom doors! All the while feeling that this was totally silly. There was no possible way he could have been anywhere else in my a real, solid person that is! He would have had to blow right by me and he didn't! He vanished....into thin air!