What is in store for this year? We have all the answers, you know. Whatever we put out is what we get back. This is a great year for new beginnings....it is a 1 year in numerology. So, what will you decide to do for you, in 2017. I am going to make myself a priority this year. I am going to think of myself first instead of last! When I do that, everyone wins...why? You know if we aren't happy within ourselves, we can't help anyone else to to be happy! Happiness is a choice we make. It truly is. We decide....I am going to be happy. No matter what, I am going to be happy. We can do it, we really can. I challenge you all to keep a journal.....write in it everyday and start out by saying what you are grateful for. Why you have joy in your life. If you start out that way, you will be really surprised how easily situations start to turn around for you! What you once looked at as a horrible thing is now, not too bad! It's a small change but a very needed one. We can all benefit from this. I know I'm starting today. OH....and one more thing....if you have a," not so great day"....it's one day......let it go, give it to God, ask your angels to help you let it go but by all means, LET IT GO. It does you no good to keep reliving it day after day and with your new outlook of GRATITUDE, you will surely be able to find a teeny sliver of good in the situation. All you need is a sliver...... then that sliver will grow and fester and before long you have a full blown happy situation on your hands! I believe in you! If you need a little help reach out to your loved ones or friends....You got this thing!
Sandra dawn is a medium, and Reiki practitioner. If you would like a reading please visit her website www.mediumsandradawn.com