It has been so long since I last wrote! Life gets busy!
I have really started to notice something about myself.....I know things...a lot of times I have no idea how, I just do! You are probably thinking, "Of course you do, we all do!" I also noticed that when I feel things and I can't pin point why...I just disregard the feeling! Prime example of this, the courier who delivers monthly orders to my house. This man has delivered to me now for the last couple of months.....every time he comes by, I say hello, take my package and sign the paper, off he goes....all the while feeling like I should know him! Then reasoning with myself that there is no reason in the world I should know this man! Well, just yesterday this man again delivers my package. I take it and sign the paper and he asks me a question. He asks my relation to someone from his past that shares my last name! So, right then and there I realize that this is why I have been having this strange feeling/reaction to this man! I had been reading his energy...he had been questioning me, trying to make sense of the name!! He knew my husband when he was kid! My husband had grown up right across the street from him!As the man leaves I realize....I have been totally disregarding my intuition. My "spidey senses", as my husband calls them....were going off loud and clear every time this man was put in my path. Did I take notice...NO! Then it all starts to make sense....this happens A LOT! I usually just let it go, and don't give it another thought. That will be changing , TODAY! I want to live my life using my intuition...this is our basic guidance system and WILL NEVER steer you wrong! How many times have you been in a situation that you look back on and say, "Why did I do that! I should have went with my first choice!" Often times, that first choice is much simpler but would require a great amount of faith in ourselves to follow! Most of us are walking around not believing in ourselves! I challenge you, at this very give that up! Know, that you know what you know and that is all you need to know! Your gut or intuition won't lead you astray. When you get that gut response....hold it there for a moment. See how it feels, if it feels good,....go with it! If you are getting input from your higher self or your will feel it in 1 or 2 places.....your heart or your stomach. If you get no feelings in the stomach or heart...its in your head....that is ego and 9 times out of 10 ego will not be saying nice things. Ego tries to keep us small. That's it's job. To keep us in check, so to speak! We all need ego so don't ever try to get rid of him or her...just learn to love it, incorporate it and give it much less control in your life! When ego pops up and starts saying unflattering, negative things, say..."thanks, but I got this!" Then give ego a big ole hug and bring it into your heart! You'll be glad you did! So, you know what you know, and you don't know why you know it! That's Perfect! Just do it! Embrace that Nike moment! I encourage you to act on those feelings! Live your life using your "sixth sense" to your advantage! You will notice that when you start doing this on a regular basis....ego isn't quite as loud and is much more manageable. Ego uses fear as its leverage or enforcer. Fear is nothing more than F-false E-evidence A-appearing R-real! So go out there hold your head up and use your "spidey senses" to your advantage! You'll be pleased with the results!