Thursday, December 3, 2015

Vibration or it what you like!

So, what is vibration or energy??? Well….everything….and I mean   

everything, has energy or a vibration, plants, animals, people, your house, you name it! We all vibrate at a different speed or frequency. That frequency depends on a number of things. What we are currently involved in, how we feel about ourselves and others, if we drink, do any kind of drugs(legal or illegal) all these things change our energy or vibration. I am sure you all have heard the old saying, “like attracts like.” Have you ever really thought about that? Think about those people that seem to “get” everything they want or “that never fail”…..they are that way for a reason. They see themselves as receiving all they want out of life. They don't wish it....they see it as a done deal....already happened!  The prayer that says, Thank you for the blessings I am about to receive....that's how they live their lives! So, if you can be positive and reap rewards…….it also makes sense that if you are negative and always dwelling on the negative of any situation that, in turn, is what you receive. Therefore, in dealing with your all aspects of yourself, see the only positive. Then, that is what you will draw to you. Being positive or only seeing the positive gives your energy or vibration a good boost!
We only have control over how we chose to be or how we react to situations that arise.   Another great way to give your energy/vibration a boost is to practice gratitude. The more we give thanks for what we have…the happier you will be and in return, you will be open to receiving more!  We deserve to be happy and content. We have all been around people we call, “Negative Nellie’s."  They are no fun and we walk away feeling or carrying their negativity, anger or frustration which carries over into our day. Practicing gratitude for all we have been given is really a good way to start your day. It makes everything look a bit brighter!! There are no mistakes, only lessons. That statement alone changes things rather quickly!

 Energy is everything. You are the most 

powerful person in your life. heard 

that right. You are powerful. Your thoughts are

powerful energy and you are creating your life experience here, in this place, everyday by what you chose to give your energy to. Choose wisely! 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


I feel the need to let you all know that if someone comes up to you in an unsolicited fashion and offers you information that you perceive as troubling in nature, then turns around and walks away......DO NOT give them another thought. That is completely unprofessional and down right mean! Just because SOMEONE happens to see SOMETHING, doesn't mean anything!! Without your input there is no way they would even know how to correctly process what they MAY have seen!
  A true message, a true reading isn't like that. Everything we see on TV is not always presented in its entirety. We don't really know what goes on behind the scenes! That said, the messages that we do see passed are loving and comforting, not scary and left open ended!  Do I get information when I am out and about???? NO.  I have rules and boundaries set with spirit. They are not able to just drop info on me whenever they wish! I'm not on 24/7. I need a break!

     Remember the "GOLDEN RULE: Treat others as you want to be treated." It's not hard....THINK before you act. Would you like it if someone came up to you and said or did something like what you are about to?  If you can't say, "Why yes, I think I would like it , very much!" DON'T DO IT! I want to think that the reason some people feel compelled to do this is because they really want to help, and that's great!! Sometimes though, the best way to help someone is to say a simple, "Hello" and smile. If what you notice is really upsetting to you, it's fine to ask if  they are ok...that opens the door, lets them know someone cares and that they can talk to you, if they want too! So, I suggest you go with the Hello, smile and have a marvelous day approach!  Remember the old video tape slogan from the video rental stores, "be kind and rewind!"  Use this as your own motto when dealing with others. Back yourself and your intentions up for a moment. Think this through. Passing a snippet of info to an unsuspecting recipient can do more harm than good, which I know would not be the intent!

     Really, this post was about listening to yourself. Follow your own guidance and do your own soul work. Don't let anyone else tell you where you need to focus. YOU know YOU better than anyone. Please trust yourself,before anyone that is offering well meaning but still, unsolicited advice! You got this thing. Don't let those small little waves knock you out of your boat! Just calm the seas and motor on!

Monday, October 5, 2015

WHOA..........CRAZY ENERGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sure you've heard about all this crazy energy that we are living in right now, haven't you? For some people that's all they can talk about. I have found myself saying things like, "Wow, this is just nuts or Man, can you feel that? " Much to my surprise, most everyone can! That's a great feeling! Everyone is becoming so much more aware. We all have those moments were it feels like we are just suspended in some crazy movie but now those moments are happening ALL.....THE.....TIME! 

     Is this our new normal? I think so! Good or bad we need to learn to deal with things as they happen.  It is not and never was a good idea to sweep things like feelings, emotions, troubles etc.....under a rug, BUT we all did it. Now though, times are changing. If we are refusing to get real and deal, you can bet we are gonna deal with that situation over and over almost immediately! This is a good thing, overwhelming yes, but a good thing! I want to challenge you all, when you are a faced with a situation you would rather not deal with...STOP, STEP BACK and really look at the situation from an "observer" standpoint. This can be difficult if you aren't used to looking at things in this way but you can do it. I know you can. Remove all blame and ask yourself....what did I say or do, what did they say or do. How could this have been done differently? When we react to a situation we react because of what is going on with us, not because what the other person said or did was so gravely inappropriate. We react because of what it reminds us of. It reminds us of how we view our lives or current circumstances. If we can see or realize that we are reacting because of things we want or need to change within ourselves, well....then everything starts to look a little different. I am in no way suggesting this is an easy thing to do. To get real with ourselves and be honest about how judgmental, inappropriate, and frankly, down right nasty we can be, is HARD! It's not something we want to look at and dissect for the meaning! It is however necessary for us to move forward. If we can do that in any given  situation we are much more capable of staying present in the moment and not bringing up and rehashing the past. The past is in the past...leave it there. While it's important to know where you came from, its also important not to repeat those "not so great" steps you've taken. Use them as stepping stones to the new and improved you!  We are all learning and changing daily, start to integrate those changes so that your soul can soar to new heights! We are a SPIRIT having a HUMAN experience. Let your spirit lead and follow its guidance! You will be glad you did!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Knowing what you know!

It has been so long since I last wrote! Life gets busy!

  I have really started to notice something about myself.....I know things...a lot of times I have no idea how, I just do! You are probably thinking, "Of course you do, we all do!" I also noticed that when I feel things and I can't pin point why...I just disregard the feeling! Prime example of this, the courier who delivers monthly orders to my house. This man has delivered to me now for the last couple of months.....every time he comes by, I say hello, take my package and sign the paper, off he goes....all the while feeling like I should know him! Then reasoning with myself that there is no reason in the world I should know this man! Well, just yesterday this man again delivers my package. I take it and sign the paper and he asks me a question. He asks my relation to someone from his past that shares my last name! So, right then and there I realize that this is why I have been having this strange feeling/reaction to this man!  I had been reading his energy...he had been questioning me, trying to make sense of the name!! He knew my husband when he was kid! My husband had grown up right across the street from him! 
   As the man leaves I realize....I have been totally disregarding my intuition. My "spidey senses", as my husband calls them....were going off loud and clear every time this man was put in my path. Did I take notice...NO! Then it all starts to make sense....this happens A LOT! I usually just let it go, and don't give it another thought. That will be changing , TODAY! I want to live my life using my intuition...this is our basic guidance system and WILL NEVER steer you wrong! How many times have you been in a situation that you look back on and say, "Why did I do that! I should have went with my first choice!" Often times, that first choice is much simpler but would require a great amount of faith in ourselves to follow! Most of us are walking around not believing in ourselves! I challenge you, at this very give that up! Know, that you know what you know and that is all you need to know! Your gut or intuition won't lead you astray. When you get that gut response....hold it there for a moment. See how it feels, if it feels good,....go with it! If you are getting input from your higher self or your will feel it in 1 or 2 places.....your heart or your stomach. If you get no feelings in the stomach or heart...its in your head....that is ego and 9 times out of 10 ego will not be saying nice things. Ego tries to keep us small. That's it's job. To keep us in check, so to speak! We all need ego so don't ever try to get rid of him or her...just learn to love it, incorporate it and give it much less control in your life! When ego pops up and starts saying unflattering, negative things, say..."thanks, but I got this!" Then give ego a big ole hug and bring it into your heart! You'll be glad you did! So, you know what you know, and you don't know why you know it! That's Perfect! Just do it! Embrace that Nike moment! I encourage you to act on those feelings! Live your life using your "sixth sense" to your advantage! You will notice that when you start doing this on a regular basis....ego isn't quite as loud and is much more manageable. Ego uses fear as its leverage or enforcer. Fear is nothing more than F-false E-evidence A-appearing R-real! So go out there hold your head up and use your "spidey senses" to your advantage! You'll be pleased with the results!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


                                  We are Never Alone



I was reminded of something today. WE ARE NEVER ALONE.
That may seem impossible but I assure you , it's not. Spirit in all forms be it crossed loved ones, angels, guides and the like.........they are with us always. On the Otherside we can be many places at once. I know this may be hard for some of you to wrap your minds around, but it's true! I think it sounds kinda cool. You can be more than one, two, even three places at once! You could get into some serious trouble, if we could do that in the here and now! The whole reason for this blog entry is to say that if you feel like you are alone and are NOT! You always have your "team" around you. All you have to do is go within, either by meditation or prayer, (prayer works great as well!) and let them know what you are feeling. ALONE, FRUSTRATED, MAD, SAD......whatever it may be. Let it out and let your "ever present team" know how you feel. Once you do you will be surprised at how you start noticing, (almost instantly, by the way!) that things are turning around and you are not the lone ship weathering the storm! Love is so very important in everything we do, and those that are on the Otherside know that! They never stop loving us or forget about us! You may not be able to see them, or hear them, but they are there. ALWAYS! Now, go out there and have a great day! You have your own personal cheering section!