Well, it's been a while since I posted!
I got busy with life, like we all do! I had a very nice and blessed Holiday Season! Hope yours was as well. As we are going head first into the new year may I suggest that we really look over this past year and say to ourselves, "What did I learn?" Sometimes it may be hard to actually pin down and then there are times it jumps out at you like a naked baby photo!!! I know for me personally, I can say that I have learned some valuable lessons. One of those lessons is, that true friends are hard to come by. I have also learned that when you do find those friends you just know....... cause they feel like an extension of you! Those friends can be tangible, in person or they can be phone or online friendships. Some of my best friends I have never met or physically talked to! There are too many other lessons to list, but that was a biggie for me!We all go into the New Year with a laundry list of "resolutions." Only to break them less than a month(if we are lucky!) later. This year I ask you to honestly and openly make your resolutions not based on looks or money, but on what you need to make yourself truly healthy and happy. You might be surprised that it's not as hard as thought it would be! By simply giving your attention to only those things that you want....your whole world can change!! Don't waste another second of your life in the, "I wish I coulda, woulda, shoulda" stage. Chalk up your past "lessons" to not really knowing what you wanted or needed to be truly healthy & happy. I always say, "There are no mistakes, only lessons!" I believe it with every ounce of my being too! This year is going to be your best year yet! I know that! So should you! Now let your light shine and be happy!!! You may be wondering, "what if I don't always feel like being happy?" Ask yourself, why you feel that way? Then give yourself permission to feel mad, grumpy, upset or sad! You have to be ok and love yourself no matter what you are feeling! Those feelings have merit, so own them and then release them! So, if you feel like being a big, ole, mean, grouch........that's ok! Really, it is......we are human and being human is well.....it's damn hard! WE are entitled to be mad, upset, sad and grumpy sometimes! For the most part though, I'm sure you will have focused on the positive things in your life, of which.....there will be too many to list! So that sour mood won't last long and you will be able to move forward with a better, more positive perspective! My New Year's resolution is to be a better, healthier, happier me! In all aspects of my life! I know I can I do it! I challenge you to do it too!